It is founded by Don Rogelio López in 1961.
We are dedicated to the sale of auto parts.
We have 10 Distribution Warehouses and more than 180 Rolcar Servipartes points of sale.
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More than 40 cities, 175 branches, and 10 warehouses supplying over 6,000 auto parts stores across Mexico support our unique service!
New Products!
You can explore our website for the latest products. We also welcome you to visit our store, Chapala branch to make your purchases. Feel free to stop by anytime!
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Check out the latest offers and updates we have for you. Discover our new deals and announcements. Stay informed and take advantage of these fantastic opportunities!
viewElectronic Billing Service
Our Electronic Billing Service on our website offers fast and efficient billing, allowing you to generate invoices with ease. Experience streamlined processes that save time and reduce paperwork. Enjoy quick, accurate invoicing and seamless payment handling with our user-friendly platform.
viewRolcar at the Transport and Logistics Suppliers Expo Monterrey
Watch our video to see what we showcased at the expo. It features the latest products we have on display.
viewWatch the video
The video showcases Rolcar's history and growth over the years. It highlights our wide selection of motor and auto parts for sale. See how Rolcar has expanded and the products we offer.